Five Ways to Overcome Credentialing Challenges

There has to be a better way to deal with credentialing.
Keeping track of credentialing, updating credentials, and all associated paperwork and follow-up can be a challenge for even a traditional outpatient practice. Credentialing becomes a massive headache when running an in-home therapy group, particularly if you utilize PRN clinicians.

If you’ve had to deal with credentialing, I know you have thought, “There has to be a better way.”

Well, there is!

Read on to find five ways to overcome credentialing hassles.

Five Ways to Overcome Credentialing Challenges
Five Ways to Overcome Credentialing Challenges
1. Build a credentialing process.
Let’s face it: credentialing is a repetitive process that requires following well-established rules for your state. Processes make it easier to tackle repetitive and rule-driven tasks. So, build a credentialing process to help your team keep all clinician credentialing up-to-date.
2. Automate credentialing.
Automation becomes much easier once you have established all the rules and built a process. You can utilize a purpose-built system like cliniCONNECTS to monitor credentials, automate renewal reminders, and keep clinician credentialing up-to-date. Customizable systems like cliniCONNECTS allow you to write custom messages, send automatic reminders through text and email, and provide you with the option to send as many reminders as you would like to ensure therapist credentials get updated on time.
3. Create an accountability system.
Another vital aspect of any process is to assure accountability. If your credentialing is not up-to-date, it will negatively affect your business, so you can and should ensure that clinicians also take on some responsibility as well. For example, in cliniCONNECTS, you can turn off all new patient offers to clinicians who have not updated their credentials in your system. This added accountability protects you from liability and empowers clinicians to take responsibility for their credentialing.
4. Utilize software for a “set and forget” system.

You can, of course, build a manual process for credentialing. However, this really is a process where utilizing software will save you and your administrative staff an enormous amount of time. Build or buy a set-and-forget system so you can set up the credentialing once.

Setting up a system will reduce time spent managing credentialing, allowing your team to give more time to patients and agencies.

5. Follow the best practices of other in-home therapy companies.
Best practices are there for a reason! Utilize the best practices of other companies in your industry to help you with everything from credentialing to clinician schedule management to billing.
“I love the credentialing features. We can keep track of all the required credentials, even though we are in multiple states. cliniCONNECTS gives us the ability to follow the credentialing requirements of each state and sends reminders automatically. If a therapist is noncompliant, we can turn them off in the system until they have updated their credentials.” Randi P., CEO of FeldCare Connects

You deserve to reallocate the time and energy that you have been spending on dealing with credentialing. Reclaim that time by using one or more of the above five steps. And, if you are considering utilizing cliniCONNECTS to help, get in touch!

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